2020. 1. 24. 19:11ㆍ카테고리 없음
Erm, a new rule: New Republic Star Destroyers don't count. But Imperial Remnant-utilized ones do. Also, no Legacy-era ones. Here's what you can use:Anything called a Star Destroyer or Star Dreadnaught, Star Battlecruiser, etc.
That was used by the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, Imperial Remnant, Crimson Empire, and Dark Empire is eligible to use. So are Acclmator I&II class assault ships, due to their resemblance to Star Destroyers.
Allegiance Class Star Destroyer
Procursator Class Star destroyer is a big part of a high-mobility defense Fleet. A half size as a Star Destroyer size. Procursator-class Light Star Destroyer. Artist's Gallery. At the other end of the spectrum is the 1,200 meter long Procursator-class Light Star Destroyer, which is a smaller, faster sibling of the Imperator armed with super-heavy turbolasers and heavy concussion missiles.
Bellator Class Star Destroyer
And the correct answer is the Nebula-class Star Destroyer, I think.